Sunday, September 4, 2016

"On this day" 5 year retrospect

The Soldier Legacy's "spirit animal"...


Happy 99th Birthday, Jack Kirby!

All the Jack Kirby week posts from the Soldier Legacy Facebook page, showing why I hail the King.

Swamped! But heading to Sydney and Brisbane Oz Comic-Con

Again, apologies for the radio silence, blog/journal thingy.  In a nutshell:
Finished Semester 1 teaching/Course convening Art Direction and Sequential art & Illustration, shot to Melbourne OZ Comic-Con, assembled pitch material for meetings at shot to the USA for the month for holiday and San Diego Comic-Con. Back straight into teaching (Visual Story and 3rd year Animation portfolio/short film supervision), knocked over another issue of the upcoming Graphic Novel, and now returning to Sydney. May have scored a dream gig. Can't say much but very excited. Anyways, may be delivering a paper at the Superhero symposium at ACMI in December- was accepted but waiting on more news. More soon when I can get around to an update. Cheers!

Also stoked to have had 3 illustrations published in the San Diego Comic-Con 2016 Souvenir Magazine (Kirby characters, naturally.)