Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Name Check on TV? Thanks, Folks!

While watching the locally produced 'The Late Nite Show with Scott Black' last Thursday, I was surprised not once, but twice! by the reference to me and 'The Soldier Legacy'

...That check must have cleared ;P

4: 05 seconds in, referenced in the monologue joke. I'm touched, thanks mate :D

But then, my friend Amanda Bacchi from Geek Speak TV was a guest, talking Geek stuff...

...12:20ish, Mr Black does it again! Champion :)
Thanks for the kind words, Amanda. And great to hear Stewart McKenny, 'Zombie Cities', and 'Winter City' get a plug too.

I very much appreciate anyone acknowledging the existence of 'The Soldier Legacy', let alone the praise :D Nice work as usual, Mr Black and Flash, and thanks again.

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