Tuesday, September 11, 2012

April 2011: 'Drawing aNd Animation' Exhibition at the Gympie Regional Gallery

Found this image- Not sure if I ever posted it :S

This was from the opening day of the Queensland college of Art's "Drawing aNd Animation" exhibition, held at the Gympie Regional Gallery in April 2011. I was unable to attend, as I was at Melbourne Supanova that weekend, but the Professors and postgraduates also part of the exhibition kindly posed for this photo in front of my pages from'The Soldier Legacy' #2 that appeared in the show. Thank you to the other wonderful artists from the exhibition: Paul Cleveland, Andi Spark, Louise Harvey, Matt Ditton, Chris Denaro, Xin Li and Zhi-Ming Su  :D (and Ross Woodrow, the Curator, pictured on far left.)

The idea of the exhibition was to show completed images, plus the process. The catalogue for the exhibition shows images from the comic page colouring process, with early flat colours being applied (and I managed to sneak a 'Jack Kirby' reference into the statement ;P)

Thanks again, folks :D

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